
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Sprauchled Breath

"I could not explain my worth,” she sighed, "I could not present the truth." "Why did the evil win?" as answer-less as an ancient rock.  Her truth, though a whimsy for all, had started devouring her soul from her beating corpse. Being nourished in the hands of delicacy, she had begun to feel herself as a loathsome, putrescent soul. For her, the mirrors of reality had sprinkled the chaos of virtuality. She had begun to look for her peace by plunging in abysmal depths of thoughts. And the beauties of life seemed a chimera for her.  But, what was the truth she could not present to the world? What was the bad event that was absorbing her peace? What was the flood that turned her morose? At such a young age, what was the cumber that was growing with her? She just used to hum some lines all the time as she roamed lonely in her aisle of sorrow....  "Weather was in rage and the clouds turned black... Oh! The sun chose to spread the sorrow in the sane.....

The Essence of a Prayer

Barkley, street no. 14, Copenhagen: half sunken sun, appreciating the scenery of the morning light accompanied with the wind of the closely located bay. Fatima yelled from her room, went downstairs, quite angry at her maid who took her back to the world of reality from the overnight slumber mansion.  “I am getting late, quickly go and fetch me breakfast.” She ordered;  not with anger but with impatience.  Then, by her own, she walked through the hallway and toasted the chicken that she loved the most. She wanted everything to be perfect that morning as it had the special aura of her success. A special morning for her and why not? She had always been dreaming of it. Agatha Medical College, the top medical institute in town, welcomed her with its bowing maple bushes and the blue cerulean sky having the inn of archangels. The moment, to her, was overwhelming when she walked for the first time through the gateway of the college; sinking deep in the imagination of ...

Positive Vibes

  Every time I stepped forwards, The world dragged me backwards. I wanted happiness; They gave me despair. For finding one reason to smile, They gave a million reasons to cry. I yearned for positivity; They filled me with negativity. I cried, but no one listened; I shattered but all this never mattered. But after every night, Comes a bright day, When the storm ends And the sun shines. When flowers sprout And birds chirp all about. When the world doesn't matter And we collect our pieces, Sticking them together With hope and determination. With aims and goals With love and positivity We make us better in this dawn, Stop mourning for what's gone, And love what you have; live on. We become the sun to our moon, Answers to our questions, Catharsis to our guilt, Inspiration to our aspirations. And that's when we realize The purp...

Shush! No One Should Know!

(The story of a paranoid Schizophrenic) Intelligent and Lively Adventurous and keen I was all healthy till I reached seventeen Loved to go on strolls   in gardens and meadows Before I started being trailed   by dark creepy shadows Voices and Whispers Shadows and delusions What's real and what's not? There's a hell of confusions Turn down the curtains! dear sister, he's here! Or he'll find you and kill you with a spear I love them! I warn them! Their lives are in peril! They just conclude I've been possessed by the devil Friends all left - couldn't bear what I say For in my world, there's nothing but fright and dismay “You spineless freak,” said they, “be a man! Your sheepish claims make you sound like your gran.” My parents keep me indoors out of fear of disrespect For all myths and superstitions emerge out...

Her Soul Meets Her Mother

Alone and shivering, in a numbing dead night Deep silence, scaring  like a monster.  Her face looking flushed  with fever. Like a tree,  facing the blazing fire of cruel Sun. Bursting head,  with severe pain. Like a balloon  overfilled with  distress and misery. Rain of tears  damping the cheeks, constantly  wrapped her head,  in a scarf. Crossing arms,  holding both shoulders,  sitting in a still corner,  uttering a few  quivering words.  O MOTHER! Where are you?  I feel deserted  since you left. You used to call me  your delightful flower.  Breeze in and catch a glimpse  of your withered flower! Come and water it vigorously  with your love and affection! O MOTHER! Take me in your shelter.  Save me from world's bitterness. Your child is being trampled! O MOTHER! For the moment,  Drowsine...


Pensive about those people  I am hushed with shock  Their beliefs becoming cripple  In life, growing dark  Paupers embellishing grieved huts  In the neck of the woods  Illicit sites, awfully not swept  Kids becoming beggars in childhood  Overwhelmed by superstitions,  Immensely necessitous for money  In their visions,  Beg, eat and don't worry  Nabbed by critical misery  Bearing nil aim for life  Ignorance, the very cause of poverty  In pauper's society, peace can't survive  Drowning in the flood of illiteracy  I yearn for soon they'll clutch at a straw  Yet indoctrination is the first priority  'Only aware countries evolve 'tis nature's law  Before long, the Sun of fortunes  Aggrandizements with lavished energy  Its heat will scorch all the sins  Pauperism, will meet death ultimately Hira Akhtar (Class of 2021)

An Epistle to a Future Doctor

Dear Future Doctor, Remember! Please remember! Remember that you can be a patient. Remember the pain, the excruciating situation. The scramble to which someone's each and every chunk is incriminated. Remember the perplexing malady causing the writhing pain. Remember the consternation of diagnosis that can rip away someone's dreams from his life. Remember the way you want yourself to be treated! Remember the agony of your loved ones, and that harrowing pain which sweeps across your soul. Remember that wait outside doctor's office with thousands of hopes you are clinging to. Being a doctor is no less than a blessing. Not everyone is endowed with this power. Recognize yourself! Recognize the fire of struggle burning inside you. Utilize this fire to ignite the candle in others’ lives. From the day you step in this field, your life will be filled with experiments and books. You will feel like a robot. But no! A heartless robot can never match you, a selfless per...