The Valiant Women of Kashmir

Ghulam Muhammad, Nawaz Muhammad and Atta Muhammad, all had been martyred. These words fell like bomb shells on Noor Fatima. Under the recently promulgated Article 370 and 35-A of this
constitution, a Hindu boy, Karishan Kumar purchased a plot nearby her house and started harassing all the young girls. When they resisted, Karishan and many other rascals charged into the locality, firing
briskly and indiscriminately. He shot all male members dead. He challenged very proudly:

Torture, tyranny, oppression ----our ambitions.

Treason, treachery, oblivion ----our weapons.

Is there anyone to resist us?

Noor Fatima went inside, took hold of her husband’s gun and came out courageously and replied:

“If the male members of my family have been martyred, I am alive. My faith is alive. My mission is alive.”

Her words echoed throughout the whole valley and thousands of voices joined her, declaring:

"We are alive. Your atrocities can spill our blood and cut our bodies but they cannot shake our faith in Allah in any struggle in our determination. We are the descendants of Bibi Umm-e-Ammara, Hazrat Zainab (R.A) and Sharf-ul-Nisa, the valiant women of Islam."

After this a loud Allah-hu-Akbar resounded in the whole valley. The resilient Kashmiri women attacked Karishan Kumar his companions sending them to hell while
they stood there.

Sahar Ilyas (Batch of 2022)


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