Kashmir bleeds

The howling wind ruffled the black coat of the knight standing on the pinnacle of the cliff. He stared down at the valley where people were engulfed by slumber, more like their escape from the outside catastrophe. Yet their dreams were marked by the fear of the end. The consternation of the bleak epilogue that awaited them.

Looming over their lives like a dark cloud. The dark knight heaved a deep sigh of weariness. It was ironic how such a beautiful world could be so cruel. Ruthless. The wind howled in agreement, pushing back the hood of the cloak, revealing the knight's face.  The hollow eyes and wrinkled skin spoke of his exhaustion and fatigue. It looked like he had not slept for days. His slumped shoulders made him look smaller in spite of his tall stature. He gazed towards the star riddled sky with an odd expression. His eyes begged for some mercy. He had an excruciating look like he was in literal pain. He closed his eyes and when he reopened them, the beseeching look was gone.

In its place was a look of impatience. He was waiting for someone or something. The galaxies traveled with the beat of the night. The sky a battle field between the sun and the moon. Both fought each other for dominance. In the end, the sun outshone the crescent of the sky. It sat high on its throne sparkling its light on the valley of heaven. The dark knight straightened his posture to full erection as if the time he was waiting for had finally dawned. His expressions were tight. Grimaced. His breathing sped up as people started waking up, taking to their daily chores. The kids ran after the chirping birds. Their innocence deluding them into happiness away from the miseries of their home. The honking of the truck grabbed everyone's attention. "They are back. Baba is back", yelled a little girl from the doorstep.

The dark knight began to descend immediately. He all but glided down the cliff. When the truck driver stepped out, he opened his arms wide as if inviting someone for embrace. All the elderly women ran towards the truck. They too were anticipating someone's arrival. Their faces outlined with fear, abounded un-uttered prayers. The dark knight moved towards the back of the truck to unlatch its door. The scream of the lady made the dark knight shut his eyes. "Allah Hu Akbar", someone screamed. Bloody bodies piled upon one another. Clothes soaked in the red hue.
"Where is my baba", cried out the little girl. Screams and wails were the only retort.
"We were protesting peacefully. They open fired against us. Spared me to take the dead ones home. Cowards. That is what they are. But they can't go on with this. Freedom will be ours soon", Khalid spoke at last.
"At what cost? Our sons, our blood, our happiness?" wailed a lady.

Cries and shouts broke across the valley as if hell had broken loose. The dark knight looked towards the sky, complaining the misery of those on Earth. And then he looked towards his right where countless souls stood, bewildered. "Don't worry. I'll take you home where you will have your freedom and peace", the dark knight expressed in a gravely voice. He held out his hand and grabbed the souls just to ascend the mountain once again.

"What is  going on mama?" inquired a girl of no more than 5 years old.
"Seems like death visited us today", were the last words heard before the mourns drowned everything in the valley that bled."

By Maham Ayub


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