Friends we were never meant to keep

Growing up in a small place with mindsets even narrower than the streets, I thought maybe with age everyone will understand. Maybe my friends will grow and learn. But I was so wrong.

Met them after a long time just to realise they still haven't gotten past the stage of body shaming each other, they do it under the guise of jokes, this makes me want to puke. What's the point of all this education, of all their riches, or of them having families classified as elite, when they still talk like the uneducated and uncultured women from late sixties.

Moving to another city, starting new chapters of life, getting to know new people from all over the country. Learning, living and enjoying every single second of my life. Lahore has taught me to love my life and myself.

Staying here I have really grown up.

When I go back to the place where I'm from I'm heart broken to see that nothing has changed. My school friends who I adore have aged but sadly not grown up.

"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment it grows in, not the flower."

Saliha Anwar Ul Haq

Batch'25 ( Fjite )


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