Price of the Defense ( BOTM)

 There are occasions in the history of nations that decide their survival. 6th September, 1965 was one of those. Today, when decades have passed after the glorious victory against India, I still stand mused on how the valour defeats mass with such a lengthy, clear margin. In the course of this thoughtfulness,I always reach one conclusion,that fear and greed are two biggest frailties of human beings. When these two are overcome, humans do wonders that are difficult to believe. Pakistan Armed forces are trained in such a manner that they become independent of fear.This liberation is undoubtedly granted by our religion Islam. When death (Shahadat) becomes the destination, there is absolutely nothing that can stop a man. Major Aziz Bhatti (Nishan-e-Haider), Squadron leader M.M.Alam (Sitara-e-Jurat), to name a few among many unsung stories that made the victory possible. Impressed by the spirit of the Pakistan Army, the Nation remained strong and enthusiastic and stood side-by-side with them to make the enemy run like a chicken. People may wonder how Major Aziz Bhatti stood tireless for many days and nights to embrace Martyrdom and how M.M.Alam on his own could destroy that many fighter planes to become a Ghazi. But surely courage, selflessness and motivation is the best ever combination. I know that we've lost gems! the people with highest abilities, both military men and civilians, many of them were handicapped, our economy for once jolted which I must admit has never returned to that rate of development but we as a nation know that independence and defence demand a heavy price which we were and will always be ready to pay. If we remember the day when Quaid-e-Azam received a train full of burnt dead bodies at Lahore Railway station on independence then we’ll know that on that day we learnt that both independence and its defence are going to have a heavy cost. The price of defence has always been the highest that could ever be paid by humans i.e. their lives but they don't seem to be reluctant and hence, they leave a happy place for the future generations, a land carved with the names of its brave sons who were ready to die with honour and refused to be slaves, either in their bodies or in their minds. History marks many such soldiers whose sacrifices lead to the shameful defeat of the enemy. I, along with my whole Nation, pay tribute to all the armed forces who left no stone unturned to make our beloved homeland a safe haven. We are completely aware of the chain of sacrifices ( more than 86000) that you've made to eradicate the internal and external threats to the solidarity of Pakistan. Despite the plots enemy is busy making day and night, we are free to prosper and progress,to compete with the other nations of the world in every possible field. Now it has become our national duty to make our country strong so that the sacrifices of our brave armed forces don't go wasted.

Umaira Ahmed . 

Batch of 2022.



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