An Insight into the Corona Situation

To the ones who say corona is a drama and they are blaming the doctors, I am writing from the isolation room in Sheikh Zayed Hospital. You'll believe when you'll see your really close relatives, either your parents, grandparents or siblings suffer from it, as they gasp for air; when your heart will drop with the drop of oxygen saturation of your loved ones, and then you will be praying.Then you'll feel like someone has put life in you again when the saturation rises. Nothing is more painful than seeing your loved ones on oxygen supply or worst, on a ventilator. Or when you yourself are tested positive and after every hour you see coffins passing by you, of someone you don't know. The purpose of saying this is that I didn't allow my mother to go outside for two whole months but she somehow got infected. She is hypertensive and diabetic so you can imagine how Covid-19 took a toll on her health; nausea, diarrhoea, fever, light cough and then tachypnoea. Only Allah and my family knows how we spent Eid and the time after that when before that, me and my siblings spent Ramadan planning for Eid. While my mother (Alhamdulillah) is recovering and discharged, my two uncles are also tested positive now and one of them is admitted in the hospital. On the other hand, the situation of hospitals is not under control now. They don't have enough beds, oximeters and oxygen supply for patients. Soon our hospitals will be overburdened. There will be no bed for you. What will you do then? Will you say 'CORONA IS A HOAX and doctors are getting money by injecting the people'? There will be a time when you will have to keep your close ones at home and see them suffer because doctors will neither have the time nor the resources to treat your dear ones! Please, for God's sake, try to stay at home. Take precautions for yourself and your loved ones. Try to cooperate with the doctors, nurses, paramedics, who are treating your loved ones when maybe their own loved ones are at risk or suffering at home. Try to communicate with others and keep checking up on those who are suffering and try to improve your relationship with Allah.


Afshan Khalil 
Batch of 2020


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