Surah Al-Anfal [8:62]

وَإِن يُرِيدُواْ أَن يَخْدَعُوكَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهُ
هُوَ الَّذِى أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَبِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Verse number 62 from the Surah Al-Anfal.
Surah number 8 written in the 10th part of the Holy Quran.

Surah Al-Anfal is a Madni, pairing with the very next Surah to it Surah -Al Tawbaa, completed after the battle of Badr (The first battle of Muslims against disbelievers).

This Ayat brings peace and gladdening the deeply grimed and grayed walls of my heart. According to this, in its first part, it was told that,

"And if they intend to deceive you, Then verily, Allah is All-Sufficient for you"

In it, actually, Almighty Allah mentioned His favor on the Prophet, in that He aided him with believers, the Muhajirin and the Ansar. When combined to previous Ayat 61 which says,

"And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing."

If we practically apply it to our lives, it means though enemies could be more powerful. Almighty Allah is Sufficient for us. We should leave all the filthy trials of enemies to shatter us and tear down us to Almighty Allah. Indeed He is the only strongest fount of sustenance. In our daily routine,  we encounter different colors of people but we accept them as such and leave our matters to the Mighty Matters Solving, the Almighty Allah.

Fear and insecurities when combined bring you closer to your religion and hobbies. Everything starts to repel you. Every person you talk, you see right through him and it all reminds of your purity that you had. All this world depends on something. So there is a God that knows and drives all of it.

The Cure to your problems isn't in a liquor store or your friends. It's all a silver thread that you never see between you and God. But when you try to feel it, you get something called hope making you feel no matter where you go. You always trust your Lord and He pays off as your desired way.n the next part, it was told that,

"He, it is Who has supported you with His help and with the believers"

This Ayat says, `it is Allah who gathered the believers' hearts, believing, obeying, aiding and supporting you (O Muhammad)."

I believe, this Ayat brings happiness to all as it clear cut says, Allah is the only Controller of our lives. Our miseries, our enemies are nothing in front of Him. Just we need to have believed in Him

What's level four of happiness? It's a delicate thread between pre-designed things that you deserve and that you don't call Sublime Beatitudo. Something people run from because it's easier that way. It's like you're standing in the middle of the plus sign. And what you want is right in front of your face. The right and left portion of the plus is your mistakes. Obviously, you go right and left because perfection always has a blot that we don't know yet. So we deviate rather than going straight upfront. But level four comes from redemption. You have to follow the light no matter how much your spine breaks. Until you reach the light that makes you happy. And indeed, this light is Trust in Almighty Allah,  the golden wire in life. Hence, Sublime Beatitudo.

Rabia Ammarah, Batch of 2020
Fatima Jinnah Medical University


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