Book Review: Radio Silence

Title: Radio Silence
Length:296 printed pages
Genre: contemporary YA
Goodreads rating: 4.2/5
Personal rating: 4 stars and a cookie

Frances Javier spends most of her time studying. Everyone knows Aled Last as the quite boy who gets straight As. You probably think they are going to fall in love or something. Because he is a boy and she is a girl. They don't. They make a podcast.       

Personal review:
"Hello...I hope somebody is listening." So first off, this book is so relatable on so many different levels. The all "I am so scared if I'm clever enough to be where I want to be" attitude of the characters, display of just how toxic fandoms and internet can be, the academic pressure on teenagers, the whole "I shouldn't do this or that or people will think i'm weird"thoughts everyone gets every once in a while and last but not the least the pressure the social norms put on youngsters is portrayed accurately.
"I was going to be happy. Wasn't I? I was. Uni, job,money,happiness.That's what you do.That's the formula. Everyone knows that. I knew that." One of the best things about the book is that it could have been a romance and a good romance book at that but instead, the writer molded it in a different way.

The way the story just flows and then everything adds up is brilliant. Altough, not a mystery, there are enough elements of suspence and confusion to keep one looking for answers. At the same time, the stroy isn't all about solving the plot making it a light read.

"People move on quicker than I can comprehend.People forget you within days,they take new pictures to put on facebook and they don't read your messages. They keep on moving forward and shove you to the side because you make more mistakes than you should."

The Characters are Interesting and non-stereotypical. Also, the resounding idea to be who you really are even if you yourself haven't found it yet, that you have to live your life for yourself is brilliant.
"When you get to this age,you realize that you're not anyone special afterall. It's like...this is all there is. This is the only special thing about me."

Little snippets of the podcast,"Universe City", provided a fresh twist in the story and definitely worked as a plus one. Little events that happened throughtout the book also helped keep the story going in a natural time frame while keeping things interesting. Also, the pop culture references one can catch throughout the book were refreshing, wether it be about bands, books, TV series or ninja turtles, basically because the writer is pretty young herself considering she was in university when she wrote this book. Still, her writing style is elegant and she knows how to keep the reader captivated.
If you're easily bothered by anything lGBT+ and/or pop culture references, then this book is not for you,because the plot,although, doesn't revolve around this theme, still has them as a part of the story. There is also mention of themes likes suicide and mental illness which may act as triggers for some people.

By: Ayesha Tariq


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