
My Room,

Tariq Gardens, Lahore.

April 09, 2019

Dear Rida,

                At the end of the day, the moment you go to your bed, thousands of thoughts come to you and keep you pushing until the wave, the air of sleep takes you into the land of dreams. Just make sure that these thoughts find their way out of your mind, no matter what the matter is, and divert your mind to the basic yet the most powerful question: Who are you? What is your worth? Are you even worth having all the blessings? Just take a glance, for merely some nanoseconds and then be thankful to the Bestower, The ever providing, the sustainer, the one and only Allah S.W.T for His blessings that he gives you, hoping for no return from your side. All He wants is the best for you, the best for your hereafter!

Yours sincerely,

Your true self.

Rida Nasir


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