My Detest for Bloodshed

Since childhood, my favorite action hero has been the one and only 'The Dark Knight', also known as 'Batman'. You ask me why? Back then I would have answered because he has this super cool car, bat-cave, amazing acrobatic skills and also because he is so mysterious. But now, I would answer that he is my favorite because he has these amazing principles and rules that he made for himself when he first wore his mask to avenge the cold blooded murder of his parents (let's not go into the details of that). The limit he never allowed himself to cross was that he would never kill a person, not even the murderer of his parents, even when he had the chance to do it, not even the psychopath 'Joker' who tried to blast the whole Gotham city. Instead, he left the punishment part to the law and order. My point of mentioning Batman here is that murdering or not murdering someone is something that someone does purely by choice. Some people choose to listen to their conscience while others choose to give up on their morals.

Bloodshed is the despicable act of killing humans by the hands of other humans. Ironic, isn't it, that some people think that they have some kind of superiority over other people, that they can decide which humans are inferior and don't have the right to live, that they are so oblivious of the fact that one day they will also be six feet under the ground.

In my opinion, these kind of people are only living in the illusion of their superiority where they have perfect justification of their acts, that they are not doing anything wrong by wiping someone completely off the face of Earth. How could they not think about the family of that person, about his children, his parents? How someone can have this level of insensitivity is beyond me. Maybe this level of unethicality is acquired when a man has gone so astray from the right path that he cannot decipher the difference between the right and the wrong, or maybe he is on that level of selfishness where the life of another person doesn't matter to him anymore.

Shumaila Zulfiqar (Batch of 2022)


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