I saw my beloved in all I saw!

I saw my beloved in all I saw!

True love is a divine illusion. The balmy rays of this serene sunshine lead your deserted soul to an oasis, lush with the scenery of beloved and drenched with the seraphic dew.

I saw my beloved in all I saw.

At times revealed, at times hidden.

He was a mighty proclaimer of love. The blazing fire within him used to smile at the petty volcanoes inside me. Each day, I used to witness his restlessness to see his Loved One, yet professing that he saw the One in all he saw. The day he was granted the permission, it was I who was selected to be experimented on first and there I was; the hefty mountain was yet too delicate to behold the Light and was burnt to cinders and ashes. The blackened soot of  Toor whitened my muddy hands when I caressed its blue book.

Laughed gleefully through blooming flowers.

Crooned in nightingale's melodious songs.

The tickling of mad sea waves at the mighty mountain ignited its fiery volcano and challenged it to make a clash.  The murky soil had shackled the volcano inside and the twirling wind detracted the
waves away. The inky sky and the sandy seashore exchanged smiles over the mystery of the Four.

The soft roses with their parched thorns, a few miles away in an orchard, chanted: 'Inspired by the wish to see Himself, He made Himself in every form,'

At times a king in power.

At times a beggar with a begging bowl.

He was too lost in adoring His wonders to ponder over the pits and peaks of his own life, from being sold in the streets of Egypt to a ruling king in power! The shimmering waves of Nile narrated a love fantasy to me!

At times claiming "I am the truth"

Witnessed his head raised on the Cross

The more you love the more they hate you. The altar trembled by this message of his eyes. He was chained, stoned and crossed, because he loved more than the allocated limitations. He dared to see his Beloved in mighty rocks and tiny specks. The reverberating calls of Anal-Haq, in the streets of Baghdad, evidenced that true love is eternal and never ephemeral!

At times seen as a lover like Niyaz.

He was seen with his chest and heart aflame.

The ballast of weight and the burn of sacking carpet are too trivial to bury or burn him! "The heaviness of love and the pain of embarkation can't allow him to surrender," the serene uttered verses of 'Ahad  Ahad' whispered to the sandy air of Arab!

Love echoes in the sweet lullaby of a mother, whirls in the agitated sea waves impatient to touch their moon, shines in the concerned sprinkled tears and screams in the heart shattered with the parting smears. Love is such a word that even if written for a thousand times, would never fail to enchant.

Love mends the soul and heals the sore. The whole universe itself is a reflection of love. Man was created to recognize the Divinity, and true love is the mirror to it, for if you want to find Almighty find it in the heart which loves.

It invades everyone differently. But the product always is a brightened and enlightened embodiment. In the end, the book of life is worthless if not written in the ink of love!

--Poetry: Hazrat Shah Niaz--

- Samina Siddique (Class of 2021)


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