Her Soul Meets Her Mother

Alone and shivering,
in a numbing dead night
Deep silence, scaring 
like a monster. 
Her face looking flushed 
with fever.
Like a tree, 
facing the blazing fire
of cruel Sun.
Bursting head, 
with severe pain.
Like a balloon 
overfilled with 
distress and misery.
Rain of tears 
damping the cheeks, constantly 
wrapped her head, 
in a scarf.
Crossing arms, 
holding both shoulders, 
sitting in a still corner, 
uttering a few 
quivering words. 
Where are you? 
I feel deserted 
since you left.
You used to call me 
your delightful flower. 
Breeze in and catch a glimpse 
of your withered flower!
Come and water it vigorously 
with your love and affection!
Take me in your shelter. 
Save me from world's bitterness.
Your child is being trampled!
For the moment, 
Drowsiness overcame her.
She propped herself 
against a wall.
Dreaming, the procession,
the funeral of a corpse,
laying in the casket. 
Later, being propelled 
towards the cemetery!
All at once, 
a frightful jerk 
arouses her. 
Surprised and horrified 
trying to know 
the place it is!
Dark and foggy,
filled with redolence,
glowing scented woods.
She couldn't hear 
Her Beating Heart 
in her Own body!
A spirit, she was! 
Soon, a wave of echoes-
Its purgatory daughter,
the place where souls meet!
Gleams and glistens 
appear in the dark. 
"MOTHER!" she speaks blithely.
"Yes honey, come to me!"
Mother's spirit answers in devotion.
Spreading her arms, 
And there the both souls meet!
Daughter to mother-
And Mother to daughter
Together and forever.

 Hira Akhter 
(class of 2021)


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