A Piece of Advice For a Better Life

"She wrote because she thought that screaming wasn't an option"

I have always thought about what meaning happiness held. What meanings memories held.

Now I know they refer to peace.

They refer to a particular emotional state where vague and horrible things disappear all of a sudden or they stop bothering you anymore.

So here's what you can do to get it: "Choose birds not SNAKES"

I have realized that we put ourselves in pain. Human nature is adventurous; it chooses risk, tough relations and heartless people. We insist on making this life tough.

We keep suffering in total silence and darkness. We seek help from those that can't even see us happy and that is where we make mistakes. We make wrong choices, we choose wrong characters for our story and then we expect them to gather flowers for us.

I have heard that people hurt. I say expectations do.

We expect certain people in our lives to gather streams of constellations and stars for us though through this we are collecting venom in our lives.

Why can't we just shout out loud and voice our problems? Why do we suffer alone without letting others know the whole truth?

Why do we still try to keep a relationship (whether it is family relations or friendships) when they don't stand a chance?

Take a deep breath and let all the worries go. Take your chances because life is about taking chances but never forget that if it hurts you or if it gives you pain then simply turn away.

Embrace life and smile a little more.

As Daniel C. L. said:


Be at a place in your life where peace is your priority and deliberately avoid certain people to protect your emotional mental and spiritual peace

- Khansa Malik (Batch of 2021)


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