Home is where the heart lies -- by Farwa Nisa

*This is an entry for the July Blog of the Month Competition
As the golden rays of sunshine penetrated my window, rolling on my bed I heard the kids down the street rushing and screaming with joy, I smiled inwardly. 
Moving back a year, the same situation would have irked me and provoked me to send the flower pot flying down the window. A change of perspective like this is worth penning down.
So it all begins after A levels or FSc, the hustle and bustle of preparing for the entry test. How many of us would want to go back to that stage. The utterly baffled and perplexed freshmen to be. Scattered thoughts, wild insecurities, crazy expectations from the parents and the phase where a stethoscope would look as precious as the most sought after Koh-e-Noor.
It’s okay! I can literally see you all nodding your head solemnly. Now hails to us all who passed this stage and here we are, the doctors to be. Initially completely excited, breathing the air of freedom, away from house; No restrictions from mum and dad is how I describe my initial days. Happy days.
Going for shopping with friends, having luncheon and dinner at a variety of restaurants, the birthday bashes, the new besties and all. Like the tortuous course of the splenic artery with all the highs, there were lows too. So there would be time when sitting in the dorm, the lonely feeling would sink in causing hopelessness as if one is surrounded by a bunch of dementors. Then like a patronus charm, I would feel my sister whispering ‘’you can do it’’ and ‘’everything would be fine’’.
Something that would remind me of home. Whilst shopping, the sudden desire to stand alongside my beloved sister would take me back in time where I would simply hop tirelessly shop to shop with my sisters.
After a long day in college, getting back to hostel would remind me of the freshly prepared warm food by mom. The mere presence of my father that would bring with itself security and reassurance. And the times when you would miss the laughing fits one would have with your sisters, where the joke would hardly make any sense yet you’d laugh until all the air escapes your lungs. The late night gossips we would have, discussing everything and nothing, cupping each other’s mouth so that the weird sound we make while laughing won’t disturb mom and dad next door. Even the fights we would have was a mere bliss, and the topic would always be the same, “Who wore my shoes!!! A bead is missing’’. The silent black walls would remind me of my brother’s timeless, self-indulged activities whilst his laughter would be consumed by the walls of the home.
Yes, the word home made sense now. It’s not merely a house made of bricks but the lively, enchanting blood relations with their ever sweetness that magically transforms it into home sweet home. Because the home where your heart lies no matter where you go.
- Farwa Nisa (Class of 2021)


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