The Essential Food Guide For Ramadan 2017

The month of fasting is finally here. Well, we're a week into it already but it's still only just the beginning. It's the month in which we cleanse our bodies and souls of the sins we've become so habitual of throughout the year. Even science admits that fasting has a positive effect on our bodies. However, this year around, with the month of Ramadan rolling in the summer, fasting has become exceedingly strenuous. The intense heat may cause dehydration and even heat strokes, but no worries - we've got you covered. Here's a list of things you can do to stay healthy and spend a comfortable Ramadan.

Say No To Processed Foods

Junk food and processed foods may seem tempting but they are do more harm than good to your body. Especially when you have an empty stomach, junk food can be seriously detrimental to your health. These products contain MSG (monosodium-glutamate) and fats. Not only are they non-energizing but they also cause dehydration. Junk food doesn’t stay long in the body and dissolves quickly which gives us the feeling of an empty stomach whereas fats remain in the body making us lethargic.

The "White" Terror

Here's a rule of thumb - avoid the whites in the month of Ramadan. This includes White bread, Rice and of course, Sugar. (Salt is white too but we understand how essential of a component it is in our desi dishes, therefore we'll only recommend using it to a minimum instead of completely stripping it off the menu).
Instead, you can use their brown counterparts: brown bread, brown rice, and brown sugar. The problem with these white carbs is that they are heavily processed and rich in 'bad' calories. Anyone who has been following a healthy diet knows cutting carbs is the first and foremost step to a fit body. In Ramadan, processed, white carbohydrates can cause bloating and flatulence which can make you incredibly uneasy especially when you're going to pray your Taraweeh right after Iftaari.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

In this heat, keeping yourself hydrated is crucial. Not to rain on your parade but chugging down glasses and glasses of water in Sehri isn't going to help you stay hydrated for long. Eventually the nature will call and you're going to lose all of the water you've been so diligently storing up. A good alternative to staying hydrated throughout the day is soaking 4-5 dates in water overnight and drinking the syrup-like water for Sehri. For first timers this recipe might sound a little questionable but just try it for yourself and see how energized and hydrated your fast that day is! (P.S. It's great for your bowel movements too).
Other hydrating items include yogurt, fresh juices and lassi. Try to avoid tea and coffee if you can. We know it's hard for chai-lovers but have a cup in Iftaari instead.
At Iftaari time, many people enjoy a fresh, cold glass of lemonade or Rooh-Afza, both of which are hydrating beverages. However, don't ignore plain water either. After Iftaari, do drink a decent amount of water too. Although, we don't recommend drinking too much because then the memes about not being able to move after Iftaari become shockingly relatable.

Steer Clear Of Fried Food

We all love pakorays and samosas in Ifaari. I mean, what's an Iftaari without something oily and finger-licking? Yeah, we've got some bad news for you. These fried foods are rich in cholesterol and can lead to heart problems. In fact, you should steer clear of them at all time, not only in Ramadan. Treating yourself to some pakorays or fried chicken occasionally is fine. Making a habit - not so much.

Are you spending your Ramadan in a healthy way or are you being careless about your well-being? It's important to realize if you're giving your body what it deserves in the month of fasting. If you think you're not doing enough, don't worry. It's not too late. Go over these little Ramadan hacks and make your month a breeze!

- Layeeba Malick (Class Of 2018)
** Edited by FJournals Chief Administrator


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